Adulting :Juggling life as an adult recently

Hello everyone,

Happy New year oh! 

How has your year been? How are we coping as adults?

You know that feeling of entering a new year and knowing it is going to be a very good year, challenging and busy. For Christians like me, you go on retreats, fast, pray into the new year. For many others- meditation, vision boarding and trainings, setting goals, taking new courses, reading, self development; mentally, spiritually and physically- looking good and healthy.  

Running a successful business, staying healthy, staying focused, managing relationships in our lives- including friendships, meeting someone/soul mate if you are single. That is you get up and show up consistently, staying relevant, maintaining healthy boundaries and staying sane....the list looks like mount Everest, you tell yourself its not about how you feel but what needs to be done.

I planned to be intentional about few things this year and the first is Planning.


I believe planning makes one more effective in life, you hit your goals faster, you waste less time, have enough time to make amendments in case there is a need to. Being a very spontaneous

person and a procrastinator; wonderful combination this one hit me well. I am not much of a planner and yeah its not just a cliche of 'I work best under pressure (Don't put this thing in your CV, e get why, lol) I read few days to exams, does not cut it as an adult, It is a set up for failure even though we must admit this attitude does not allow us give our best to any tasks. We know that our performance is optimised when we enter a task adequately prepared than when we don't. 

Another thing is reading books, not just any book but focusing on the areas I want to develop myself,take courses too. Someone asked -How do I get mentors? A great woman answered ''by reading books''. Find books on areas you lack knowledge and read, you learn as you read thereby adding value to yourself.

Self development is one key area for growth. You never regret investing in yourself mentally and physically. Skills are very critical these days more than certificates and academic results, we have seen that more recently with the advancement in technology

Traveling- ''Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer''. Traveling opens your mind and eyes. Traveling is educative and life changing. It is a very intentional form of exposure aside


Building healthy relationships- Our lives consist of different kinds of relationships, romantic, friendship and professional relationships. 

Juggling life as an adult can be challenging and draining, there are often many responsibilities, obligations

and expectations,We can only postpone or delay some things it doesn't make them disappear. It involves consciously choosing what we focus on and create time for, else we are likely to mess it up and find something to blame it on. 

I wrote this in April and here I am just freeing it from my draft. Yeah, I am blaming Adulting. 

See you when I see you.




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