Being an Aesthetician

It's a good day! Whooo!

How have you been? Yes you😊
Hope you're staying strong in these times🤗

It's a week today I got revived😊 and its been so sweet reading your feedback and comments even till now.
Thank you so much for the love and for coming back here today.

So today I'm sharing all about being an aesthetician. What it is & what they do.
Sounds like a reality TV show. Hahaa😀

An aesthetician is someone who specializes in the beautification of the skin.
That is; make skin beautiful, improve the appearance of the skin.

Aestheticians are not medical doctors; or dermatologists.

So what do we do?
One, We sell and recommend skincare products.

Secondly, We are trained to recognize conditions that require treatment by a dermatologist (a physician who specializes in skin)

And lastly, we offer clients our expertise on different products containing ingredients that suits their skin to keep it looking young, flawless and beautiful.

We are also known as Beauticians.

Now you have an idea of what I do. right?
It's a lot. I know, but you know; well now you know too. Lol.

In summary or in a simple grammar:

I am an organic skin care formulator.
I produce skin care products from the scratch using organic ingredients to give my clients a beautiful ,glowing, flawless skin and also treat skin conditions using tested and trusted materials suitable for the skin. Yes, Your Skin. 😁

Skin care for me is a hobby ❤

It is not just business, It's my Passion!
I love it,I enjoy doing it.

I am committed to making you look beautiful and flawless.
Isn't that a wonderful news👏

P.S- Skin Care is a superb way to practice Self care.
When is the best time to practice self care? Today! 😉

That will be all for this week.

Thank you again for visiting and reading.

Love and Kisses.

See you next week.

Don't forget to leave a comment below.
Enjoy the rest of your week!



Aanuola said…
Long live our beautician! Lol. Well explained darling, well done.
Motun said…
Cheers to the flawless skin journey.

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